Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ok, geeksters, we need your help! To volunteer for any of these items, reply to this post or send me an e-mail.

Top priority:

- For Media Outreach, need poster distributors, workshop recruiters, sponsor finders, and general hype practitioners.

- Need to recruit Comic shops, collectors, and artists for comix-con.

- Need geeky art and artists of any kind! The geek wall of art showcase will be up for about 2 weeks; great coverage for artists!

- Need a digital photography and/or digital video instructor to host a 1-hour beginner's workshop.

- Need a Ping-pong table & accessories, or someone who can build one.

- Need Dungeon Masters to host Dungeons & Dragons, Magic, or other RPG gaming sessions (thursday, june 28, evening).

-- Need board games, Legos, puzzles, mancala, backgammon, chess, brain teasers, where's waldo, comic books, trading cards, vintage electronics, old TVs, stereos, video games, computers, synthesizers, magazines, books, art, strange lights, LEDs, Sci-Fi paraphernalia, D&D materials, my god i'm drooling..

Medium priority:

- Need to airbrush/paint a full-size arcade machine with video gamey art.

- Need a few more geeky music acts to do 30-minute openings. Electronic, experimental, video game covers, homemade instruments, etc.

- Someone to organize the "Geek Registration desk" and name tags for attendees.

- Someone to build/host the King/Queen Geek Test.

- Inventions to display at the Geek Show-and-tell.

- Need an old 70s/80s style TV.. for Nintendo.

- Anyone into Live-Action Role Playing or the SCA?

- Experimental short films; any local filmmakers?

- Woodsmiths - we need to build some simple boxes and other structures for the game show and other displays.

-Large rolls of paper, wallpaper-sized

- Large pieces of black cloth.

Yeah! Do it!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I might be able to host a video editing workshop... please contact me at paulbgriffith@gmail.com so we can talk shop... or email me a phone #...